Long term leasehold property in Sicily

Long term leasehold property in Sicily

Long term leasehold property in Sicily

If you want to obtain a long term leasehold property in Sicily, you need legal assistance by a real estate Lawyer based in Catania.

Living in Sicily

Long term leasehold property in Sicily Real Estate Lawyer

Winter in Sicily. Sicily is an island in the center of the Mediterranean Sea. Its climate is temperate and benefits from the influence of the sea. Foreigners find the Sicilian winter mild and pleasant. In fact, they prefer to avoid the summer heat. Reason why Sicily is a holiday resort open all year round: both in winter and in summer.

For this reason, it may not be worth buying a property. Especially if you don’t intend to use it all year round. A smart solution is, therefore, the lease. You can opt, in fact, for a long term leasehold property in Sicily. So, if you want live in Sicily only in the winter or only in the summer, you can choose a rental solution. A real estate Lawyer can guide you to do the best choice.

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Italian Real estate lease market

Rare. The leasehold market in Sicily, like also in Italy, is in a contraction phase. Especially the market aimed at the Italian residential public. In fact, Sicilian property owners prefer to convert their properties into tourist accommodation facilities with the short-term or long-term rental formula for foreigners.

In fact, the rent for an Italian family must be low and the risk of insolvency of the tenant is very high, due to the crisis and the inadequate welfare policies of the Italian government. So many real estate owners look with ever increasing favor to the foreign public. Anyone intending to obtain a long-term rental in Sicily can count on accessing a varied and economically accessible market. You can, indeed, close a deal – as long as you hire a real estate attorney.

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Lawyer for long term leasehold property in Sicily

Leasehold immovables in Sicily. Basilio Antoci’s Law Firm is a landmark for foreigners who want to invest, or obtain the availability of a property for a long period, without buying it. This kind of operations are easier than a real estate purchase. The first advantage is that a notary is not required. The leasehold real estate contract may be redacted by an Italian real estate lawyer.

Basilio Antoci, who is a sicilian real estate Lawyer based in Nicolosi (Catania, Sicily), also provide for all the fulfilments subsequent to the signing of the contract. Specifically, he can take care of registering the deed with the Revenue Agency. It can, also, assist customers who wish to declare their residence to the Italian Municipality where the leased property is located.

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